「高雄-仁武」仁雄店的曾氏福建炒麵Zeng's Fujian Chaomian - Renxiong Branch

Located in Kaohsiung's Renxiong area, Zeng's Fujian Chaomian offers a diverse menu with three main categories: Classic Series, Sichuan Series, and Stir-fried Dishes & Drinks.

雙倍加料 +50元
Double the Toppings + NT$50

經典系列Classic Series

招牌海陸: 125元 (店長推薦)
Signature Seafood Combo: NT$125 (Chef's Recommendation)
五花豬: 120元
Pork Belly: NT$120
低脂小羊: 135元
Low-Fat Lamb: NT$135

川味系列Sichuan Series

川味小羊: 145元 (老饕必點)
Sichuan Lamb: NT$145 (Gourmet's Choice)
川味五花: 130元
Sichuan Pork Belly: NT$130
川味海陸: 135元
Sichuan Seafood Combo: NT$135

Stir-fried Dishes & Drinks

蔥爆羊原味/川味: 120元
Scallion & Lamb (Original/Sichuan Style): NT$120
椒麻小卷: 120元(平常喜歡吃辣的家人都覺得很辣)
Spicy & Numbing Baby Squid: NT$120 (Note: My family who usually enjoys spicy food found this very spicy)
手撕包菜: 100元
Hand-Torn Cabbage: NT$100
手撕包菜除了鹹度適中的炒高麗菜,裡面還有一些小肉片,只吃這個也會飽 A dish of stir-fried cabbage with a savory flavor. It's not only cooked to a perfect saltiness, but also includes some small pieces of meat. Eating just this dish can be quite filling.
蒜肉炒油菜: 100元
Stir-fried Vegetables with Garlic & Pork: NT$100
冷萃飲茶 700ML: 59元
Cold Brew Tea (700ml): NT$59

外送服務: 2公里內滿1000元,5公里內滿2000元免運費。
Delivery Service: Free delivery for orders over NT$1000 within 2 kilometers, and over NT$2000 within 5 kilometers.
辣度選擇: 經典系列可選辣度 (不辣/小辣/中辣/大辣),川味系列為固定辣度。
Spice Level: Classic series offer customizable spice levels (Mild/Medium/Hot/Extra Hot), while Sichuan series have a fixed spice level.
麵盒標註: S=海陸,D=五花,川=川味,+M=加麵,++=加料,+小/中/大=加辣。範例:例S+小+M=海陸小辣加麵。
Noodle Box Labels: S=Seafood Combo, D=Pork Belly, 川=Sichuan, +M=Add Noodles, ++=Add Toppings, +Small/Medium/Large=Add Spice. Example: S+Small+M=Seafood Combo with Mild Spice and Added Noodles.

Store Information

店名: 曾氏福建炒麵-仁雄店
Store Name: Zeng's Fujian Chaomian - Renxiong Store
地址: 高雄市仁武區仁雄路15-3號
Address: No. 15-3, Renxiong Road, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City
電話: (07)374-0378
Phone: (07) 374-0378
營業時間: 10:30-14:00 & 16:30-21:00
Business Hours: 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM

