「高雄-仁武」張丹咖哩Jang Dan Curry 2020

Store address: No. 233, Section 1, Wenxue Road, Renwu District, Kaohsiung City.

營業時間Business Hours: 
週一至週五10:30-13:30 / 16:30-20:00 
Monday to Friday: 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM / 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
售完提早休 週六下午/週日固定公休 
Closed on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. We may close early if we sell out.

電話訂購374-9352 (09:00;16:00 即可電話訂購).
Telephone orders can be placed at 374-9352 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

Jang Dan Curry, located in Renwu District, Kaohsiung, offers a variety of delicious dishes beyond its signature curry rice. With a wide range of pasta, risotto, and nori rolls, there's something to satisfy every palate.

主食類Main Courses

蛋包飯(可選擇加大)Omelette Rice (Add-on available)

茄汁蛋包飯Tomato Omelette Rice
蛋包飯加豬排Omelette Rice with Pork Cutlet
蛋包飯加雞腿排Omelette Rice with Chicken Cutlet
蛋包飯加辣燒肉Omelette Rice with Spicy BBQ Pork 

義大利麵(可選擇加大加料) Pasta (Add-on available)

培根義大利麵(白醬/青醬)Bacon Pasta (Cream/ Pesto)
蛤蜊義大利麵(白醬/青醬/泰式)Clam Pasta (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai)

燻雞義大利麵(白醬/青醬)Smoked Chicken Pasta (Cream/ Pesto)
海鮮義大利麵(白醬/青醬/泰式)Seafood Pasta (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai)
海底總匯義大利麵(白醬/青醬/泰式)Seafood Platter Pasta (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai) 

燉飯(可選擇加大加料)Risotto (Add-on available)

培根燉飯(白醬/青醬)Bacon Risotto (Cream/ Pesto)
蛤蜊燉飯(白醬/青醬/泰式)Clam Risotto (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai)
燻雞燉飯(白醬/青醬)Smoked Chicken Risotto (Cream/ Pesto)
海鮮燉飯(白醬/青醬/泰式)Seafood Risotto (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai)
海底總匯燉飯(白醬/青醬/泰式)Seafood Platter Risotto (Cream/ Pesto/ Thai) 

咖哩飯(可選擇加大)Curry Rice (Add-on available)

香濃咖哩飯Rich Curry Rice
豬排咖哩飯Pork Cutlet Curry Rice

其實張丹的咖哩算是香濃好吃的,加大的份量其實也不小,豬排會另外用紙袋包,很有飽足感 Chang Dan's curry is actually quite flavorful and delicious. The large portion is quite generous, and the pork chop is individually wrapped in a paper bag. It's a very satisfying meal. 

雞腿排咖哩飯Chicken Cutlet Curry Rice

飯類(可選擇加大或便當)Rice (Add-on available)

古早味肉燥飯Traditional Braised Pork Rice
韓式辣燒肉飯Korean Spicy BBQ Pork Rice

海苔飯捲類(可選擇加大加料)Nori Rolls (Add-on available)

海苔飯卷Signature Shredded Pork
香嫩燻雞Tender Smoked Chicken

這款香嫩燻雞飯卷份量十足,絕對能給你滿滿的飽足感! 咬下去的每一口,燻雞與培根的香氣完美融合,每一口都是驚喜。 燻雞肉質Q彈有嚼勁,搭配香脆的培根和鬆軟的蛋皮,口感豐富多層次。 而且,這飯卷不只美味,還很健康! 海苔提供豐富的膳食纖維,兼顧美味與營養。(圖片的海苔被我不小心取出,剛好可以直接看到內餡)
 This hearty smoked chicken rice roll is sure to satisfy your appetite! With every bite, the aroma of smoked chicken and bacon blend perfectly, making each mouthful a delightful surprise. The smoked chicken is tender and chewy, complemented by the crispy bacon and fluffy egg, creating a rich and multi-layered texture. What's more, this rice roll is not only delicious, but also healthy! The seaweed provides abundant dietary fiber, making it a perfect combination of taste and nutrition. (The seaweed in this image was accidentally removed, which happens to give a direct view of the filling.)

辣味燒肉Spicy BBQ Pork
泡菜燒肉Kimchi BBQ Pork
鮪魚玉米Tuna Corn
酥脆卡拉Crispy Karaage
勁辣雞腿Spicy Chicken Leg
海陸總匯Seafood Combo
韓式炸雞Korean Fried Chicken

牛蒡豆絲Burdock Root

素菜燻鴨Vegetarian Smoked Duck 

炸物Fried Foods

雞米花Chicken Nuggets
香酥豬排Crispy Pork Cutlet
原味卡拉雞腿Original Karaage Chicken
香濃起司片Creamy Cheese Stick
薯條French Fries
荷包蛋Fried Egg 


排骨菜頭湯 (限量)Spare Ribs and Radish Soup (Limited)
蛋花湯Egg Drop Soup
玉米濃湯Corn Soup
貢丸/魚丸湯Meatball/Fishball Soup 


麥香紅茶Roasted Milk Tea
香片青茶Jasmine Green Tea

