「印尼-點心」MIRAH Jenang ketan asli PONOROGO

MIRAH Jenang ketan asli是印尼的傳統糕點,而Ponorogo是印尼爪哇島東部的一個城市,這個點心就是產自於這個地區。
MIRAH Jenang Ketan Asli is a traditional Indonesian snack originating from Ponorogo, a city in eastern Java.
Wrapped in transparent packaging, this coffee-colored treat offers a soft and chewy texture.
特色就是濃郁的椰香,棕櫚糖的甜味,搭配糯米的 Q 彈口感,形成獨特的風味。
Its unique flavor profile is characterized by a rich coconut aroma, sweet palm sugar, and the chewy texture of glutinous rice.

