「英語學習」Hibernating bear

The Mysterious Secrets of Bear Hibernation: Nature's Wonder

Have you ever wondered how bears can sleep for a long time in the cold winter and still be full of energy when they wake up? It's all thanks to their special body design.

A bear's body is like a magical factory, where each part has a unique function to keep it healthy during hibernation.

心臟: 冬眠時,熊的心跳會變得很慢,從平常的每分鐘60下,降到40-50下。這樣的心率有助於熊節省能量。
During hibernation, a bear's heart rate slows down significantly, from around 60 beats per minute to 40-50 beats per minute. This reduced heart rate helps the bear conserve energy.
骨骼: 熊體內有一種特殊的化學物質,可以防止骨骼在冬眠期間分解,所以牠們醒來時骨骼依然強壯。
Bones: There is a special chemical in a bear's body that prevents their bones from breaking down during hibernation, so their bones are still strong when they wake up.
肌肉: 雖然熊在冬眠時幾乎不動,但牠們的肌肉卻不會萎縮。
Muscles: Although bears barely move during hibernation, their muscles do not atrophy.

Preparation before hibernation

Before hibernation, bears consume a massive amount of food to store a large amount of fat as preparation for their long winter sleep. A bear can consume up to 20,000 calories a day, which is equivalent to eating more than 65 hamburgers! This fat provides the bear with the necessary energy during hibernation.

Scientists' research

Bears can maintain strong muscles even without activity, and they can stay healthy after eating a lot and then starving. To answer these questions, scientists enter the dens of hibernating bears for research. They inject the bears with drugs to make them sleep more deeply, then measure their weight and collect blood samples to understand their bodily changes.

Parent-child Interaction: Bear Hibernation

Do you remember Winnie the Pooh? His favorite food is honey! Besides eating honey, bears have a special habit of sleeping for a long time in winter, which we call "hibernating."

Based on this habit, we can practice some parent-child conversations to increase English speaking opportunities.

媽媽: Look, honey! The bear is sleeping. (看,寶貝!熊熊在睡覺。)
小女孩: Why is the bear sleeping? (為什麼熊熊在睡覺?)
媽媽: Because it's winter and the bear is hibernating. (因為冬天到了,熊熊在冬眠。)
小女孩: What is hibernating? (冬眠是什麼?)
媽媽: Hibernating means sleeping for a long time. Bears hibernate in winter because there's no food. (冬眠就是睡很久覺。熊熊在冬天冬眠是因為沒有食物可以吃。)
小女孩: Why doesn't the bear feel hungry? (為什麼熊熊不會覺得餓?)
熊熊: (睜開眼睛) Because I ate a lot of honey before I went to sleep! (因為我在睡覺前吃了很多蜂蜜!)

Who's a Real Bear? Who's a Pretender?

We often associate the word "bear" with cuddly and adorable creatures. However, did you know that many animals with "bear" in their name are actually quite different from the bears we imagine?

真正的熊True Bears


Giant Panda: As the representative of the bear family, the giant panda is famous for its black and white fur and its love for bamboo. Their strong bodies and incredible appetite are their defining characteristics.

假扮的「熊」家族The "Bear" Pretenders

紅熊貓(Red panda): 

Red Panda: Despite sharing a similar name with the giant panda and inhabiting the same region, red pandas actually belong to the raccoon family. They have striking reddish-brown fur, a bushy tail with ringed patterns, and a white facial marking, giving them a charming appearance.


Koala: Koalas are unique marsupials native to Australia, and they are distantly related to bears. They spend most of their time sleeping in trees and feed on eucalyptus leaves.

水熊蟲(Water bear(Tardigrade):

Water Bear (Tardigrade): These tiny creatures, despite their name, are actually tardigrades. They are microscopic organisms that can survive in extreme conditions, such as extreme heat, cold, and radiation. They are often found in moss and other damp environments.


Binturong: Resembling a cross between a bear and a cat, binturongs are actually more closely related to civets. They have a long, prehensile tail that helps them grasp objects.

While the term "bear" is commonly used, not all animals with "bear" in their name are true bears. They vary significantly in terms of their genetic relationships, physical appearance, and lifestyles. So, the next time you encounter an animal with "bear" in its name, take a closer look - it might just be a "pretender"!

