「電腦相關」Final Cut Pro on Mac

Mastering the Magnetic Timeline: Boosting Video Editing Efficiency

影片剪輯軟體中,目前我只用過微軟早期的Microsoft Windows Movie Maker、威力導演和Final Cut Pro,只能說用過Final Cut Pro就回不去其他的剪輯軟體,畢竟他輸出影片的速度,和操作上的便利性,真的相當優勢,其中這個磁性時間軸功能,相當的方便,不過我也常因為這樣不小心在刪除某些不要的片段時,不小心將它連結的其他片段給一併刪除,還蠻常在輸出影片後才發現,所以要時常注意自己片段的完整性。
Among video editing software, I've used Microsoft's early Windows Movie Maker, PowerDirector, and Final Cut Pro. Once I started using Final Cut Pro, I couldn't go back to other software. Its export speed and user-friendliness are truly superior. Among its features, the magnetic timeline is exceptionally convenient. However, I often accidentally delete connected clips when removing unwanted ones, which can be frustrating.

影音軌中主要的影片片段故事線為Primary Storyline,之後可能還會延伸有Secondary Storyline,但無論增加多少片段,都是連結到Primary Storyline上,而影片上方的片段會蓋住下方片段,所以只要沒有調整大小,有可能合併起來的影片內容只會有個別片段的聲音,但畫面有可能會被遮蓋掉,磁性時間軸不只適用於影片片段,聲音和字幕也能以同樣的方式連結到主時間軸上。這對於調整整個影片的節奏和氛圍非常方便。例如,當我想將一段旁白與對應的畫面同步時,只需將它們連結在一起,然後一起拖動即可。不過如果想獨立只移動某個物件,只要按住Command+option再點選片段後面一點的位置,連接點就會改到點選的位置,這時候移動想拖曳的片段,就可以單獨移動了,除了改連結的位置也可以點選鍵盤的數字1旁的`鍵(重音鍵),也可以避開連結的效果,當按住這個鍵的時候移動,滑鼠旁會出現一個小圖示,代表可暫時無視連結功能。
The primary storyline in the video track is the main sequence of clips. Secondary storylines can be added, but they all connect to the primary one. Overlapping clips will result in the upper clip obscuring the lower one. If you don't adjust the size, the combined video might only have the audio from individual clips, while the visuals could be covered. The magnetic timeline isn't just for video clips; audio and subtitles can be linked to the main timeline in the same way. This makes adjusting the overall pace and atmosphere of a video very convenient. For example, to synchronize a narration with the corresponding visuals, simply link them together and drag them as a unit. However, if you want to move a specific element independently, press Command+option and click slightly behind the clip, and the connection point will move to the clicked position. Then, when you move the clip, it will move independently. Alternatively, you can press the ` key (grave accent) to temporarily disable the connection. When you hold down this key and move a clip, a small icon will appear next to the cursor indicating that the connection is temporarily ignored.

Clip Overwrite and Replacement Explained

To replace a clip on the timeline, simply drag the new clip from the bin to the desired location and release the mouse button. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut "Shift+R" for a quicker replacement. First, select the clip you want to replace, then select the new clip, and press the shortcut.

取代模式/Replacement Modes:

Replace from Start/Replace from End

These modes will automatically adjust the length of the new clip based on the length of the replaced clip.
Replace from Start
The beginning of the new clip will align with the beginning of the replaced clip.
Replace from End
Replace from End: The end of the new clip will align with the end of the replaced clip.
注意事項: 如果新片段的長度不足以取代原片段,系統會跳出警告,提醒您重新調整片段長度。
Note: If the new clip is not long enough to replace the original clip, the system will issue a warning, prompting you to readjust the clip length.

Replace with Retime to Fit

This mode allows you to replace the original clip with a clip of a different length.
The system will automatically adjust the speed of the new clip (speed up or slow down) to fill the time range of the original clip.
For example, you can replace a 10-second clip with a 5-second clip, and the system will slow down the 5-second clip to fill the 10-second gap.

Replace and add to Audition

Replace and add to Audition 提供了一個很方便的功能,讓我們在製作影片時可以有多個畫面的選擇。你可以把這些畫面都暫時放在同一個位置,等到確定要使用哪一個時,再直接替換掉。這樣一來,就不需要每次都到檔案夾裡去找尋不同的畫面,節省了很多時間,尤其是在製作需要反复修改的影片時,這個功能更是實用。
The 'Replace and add to Audition' feature provides a convenient way to manage multiple video clips during the editing process. You can temporarily place all clips in the same location, and then easily swap them out when you've decided which one to use. This saves a significant amount of time, especially for projects that require frequent edits.

Advanced Techniques: Video Clip Transformation

Final Cut Pro (FCP) offers more than just simple clip replacement. Its robust clip transformation feature allows for unparalleled flexibility in adjusting the size, position, and angle of your footage, enabling you to create a wide array of visual effects.

To overlay multiple video clips within a single frame in FCP, it's essential to adjust the scale of each clip to prevent overlap. Here are the primary tools at your disposal:

Transform: 通過拖動邊角或邊緣的藍點,可以對素材進行縮放、旋轉和移動。利用Shift鍵可以實現不固定比例縮放。
Transform: By dragging the blue corner or edge points, you can scale, rotate, and reposition your footage. Holding the Shift key allows for non-uniform scaling.

Crop:提供更精準的裁剪功能,包括Trim(裁剪部分畫面)、Crop(選取畫框)、Ken Burns(照片動態縮放)和Distort(扭曲畫面)。
Crop: This tool offers more precise cropping options, including Trim (cutting a portion of the frame), Crop (selecting a frame), Ken Burns (dynamic zooming of photos), and Distort (warping the image).

Clip transformation is a powerful feature in FCP that can elevate your video production to new heights. By skillfully utilizing these tools, you can achieve a wide range of creative effects.

Create a new compound clip

By selecting the clips you want to merge and pressing Option+G, you can combine them into a single clip for easier manipulation.

Final Cut Pro 多機同步剪輯教學
Final Cut Pro Multi-Camera Editing Tutorial

想用 Final Cut Pro 剪輯多個攝影機同時錄製的影片嗎?只要把影片轉成適合的格式,然後用 FCP 的「多機剪輯」功能,就可以讓電腦自動幫你把影片同步。接著,你就可以像看電視一樣,隨時切換不同的鏡頭,做出專業的影片效果!
Want to edit footage from multiple cameras simultaneously using Final Cut Pro? By converting your clips to an optimized or proxy format and using FCP's multi-camera editing feature, you can let the computer automatically sync your footage. Then, you can switch between different camera angles just like watching TV to create professional-looking videos!

1. 準備工作:

影片格式轉換: 將所有要同步的影片轉換成「Optimized」或「Proxy」格式,以加快剪輯速度。
Format Conversion: Convert all clips you want to sync to "Optimized" or "Proxy" format to speed up editing.
選取影片: 在 FCP 中選取兩段同時錄製的影片。
Clip Selection: Select two clips in FCP that were recorded simultaneously.

2. 建立多機剪輯:
Creating a Multi-Camera Clip:

New Multicam Clip: 點選「New Multicam Clip」建立一個多機剪輯。
New Multicam Clip: Click "New Multicam Clip" to create a multi-camera clip.
自動同步: 打開「Use Automatic Settings」並勾選「Use audio for synchronization」,讓 FCP 自動根據音訊來同步不同攝影機的影片。
Automatic Sync: Enable "Use Automatic Settings" and check "Use audio for synchronization" to let FCP automatically sync clips based on audio.

3. 開始編輯:
Start Editing:

拖曳到時間軸: 將建立好的多機剪輯拖曳到時間軸上。
Drag to Timeline: Drag the created multi-camera clip to the timeline.
選擇角度: 點選「Active Video Angle」或「Active Audio Angle」來選擇要顯示的攝影機角度。
Select Angle: Click "Active Video Angle" or "Active Audio Angle" to select the camera angle you want to display.
調整切換點: 將播放磁頭移到要切換鏡頭的位置,然後調整兩個片段之間的邊界,就可以精準控制鏡頭切換的時間點。
Adjust Cut Points: Move the playhead to the position where you want to switch cameras and adjust the boundary between the two clips to precisely control the switching time.

Precision Editor精準編輯器:毫秒不差的剪輯
Precision Editor: Millisecond-Perfect Editing

這個功能主要是當我們需要對片段的起點和終點進行細微的調整,但在執行這個功能之前須確認Editing「編輯」中的Show detailed trimming feedback「顯示詳細修剪回饋」是打開的,開啟這個功能後就可以很明顯的發現Viewer的畫面一分為二,左邊的畫面是前一個片段的最終畫面,右邊是下一個片段的第一幀。
那精準剪輯的方式就是只要在片段中間點擊滑鼠左就,就可以進入Precision Editor(精準編輯器),在這裡可以直接選取片段並移動改變結尾點或進入點。
To fine-tune the in and out points of a clip, ensure that "Show detailed trimming feedback" is enabled in the Editing mode. This splits the Viewer into two: the previous clip's last frame on the left and the next clip's first frame on the right.
Simply left-click anywhere within a clip to enter the Precision Editor. Here, you can directly select and move the end point or in point of the clip.
The gray adjustment points represent the connections between clips. Clicking on a gray adjustment point allows you to select the connected clip and make more precise adjustments within the Precision Editor.
To return to the traditional timeline editing mode, simply double-click the gray adjustment point.

