「中鋼-甜點」中鋼中秋月餅:高CP值、美味兼具的月餅選擇 Chung Steel Mid-Autumn Mooncakes: High Cost-Performance, Delicious Choice

Chung Steel's Mid-Autumn Mooncakes have always been a popular choice among the public. Beyond the classic egg yolk pastry, there's a diverse range of flavors to satisfy various palates, including savory and vegetarian mung bean cakes, as well as yam pastries. This year, the adorable moon rabbit gift box adds an extra touch of warmth to Mid-Autumn gift-giving.


可愛月兔設計: 2024年中秋節的中鋼月餅禮盒,以可愛的月兔作為主題,設計活潑討喜。 精緻包裝: 禮盒包裝設計精緻,送禮自用兩相宜。 
The 2024 Chung Steel Mid-Autumn Mooncake gift box features an adorable moon rabbit design, making it a delightful and eye-catching choice. The exquisite packaging is perfect for both gifting and personal enjoyment.

二、超值份量Generous Portions 

10顆蛋黃酥: 中鋼月餅的蛋黃酥份量十足,一盒10顆,讓您與家人朋友共享美味。 CP值高: 相較於其他品牌的蛋黃酥,中鋼月餅的價格更為親民,CP值高。(2024年價格10顆455元) 
Each box of Chung Steel mooncakes contains a generous 10 egg yolk pastries, perfect for sharing with family and friends. Moreover, they offer excellent value for money compared to other brands.

三、保存期限Shelf life 

Chung Steel mooncakes have a shelf life of approximately 7 days. For optimal taste, it's recommended to consume them as soon as possible.


中鋼月餅的蛋黃酥相當大顆,餡料飽滿,外型美觀,搭配著烤得金黃酥脆的外皮,令人食指大動。 The Chung Steel mooncakes are impressively large, with generous fillings. The golden, crispy crust is incredibly inviting.


內餡紮實綿密,口感豐富,有著很紮實的口感,咬一口可以先吃到滿滿的紅豆餡,再來就可以吃到鹹香完整飽滿的蛋黃,鹹甜交織,風味絕佳。 The filling is dense and velvety, offering a rich and satisfying texture. With each bite, you'll first encounter a generous amount of red bean paste, followed by a savory and perfectly cooked salted egg yolk. The sweet and salty flavors combine for a truly delightful taste.

