「影視相關」12個提醒事項,讓拍攝的影片更加吸引觀眾12Secrets to Captivating Video Content

為什麼拍攝影片需要這些技巧? What's the point of using these techniques in video production?

Many of us have been there: spontaneously grabbing our phones to capture a fleeting moment. But upon reflection, these videos often lack the impact we hoped for. Why is that? The secret to creating captivating videos lies not just in inspiration, but also in mastering a set of essential techniques. These techniques are like keys that unlock the door to visual storytelling, enabling us to create videos that resonate deeply with our audience. Let's delve into these techniques and elevate our video-making skills.

Let's now review the 11 key points for video shooting.

1.收尾要想到開頭 The ending should echo the beginning.

A coherent story is like an invisible thread that weaves together different segments of a video, creating a stronger connection with the audience. I used to overlook this, but as an audience member, I often have higher standards. When it comes to creating videos myself, I tend to be less attentive to these details. However, a well-structured narrative can not only enhance the overall quality of a video but also add depth and impact to the story. When the clues laid out at the beginning are resolved at the end, it often surprises and satisfies the audience.

2.不好的鏡頭就淘汰 Cut out the bad footage.

When shooting, we always want to capture as much footage as possible. However, we must be ruthless in cutting out shots that are of poor quality or irrelevant to the main topic. When evaluating shots, we can consider factors such as image quality, sound, and content. For example, shots that are blurry, noisy, or underexposed, or those that are unrelated to the main theme, can be discarded. By eliminating unnecessary footage, we can create a faster-paced, clearer video and improve the overall viewing experience. 

3.記得檢查背景Pay attention to the background. 

The background is like a painting. It can highlight the subject and influence the viewer's emotions. A clean and tidy background can make the image more focused, while a cluttered background can distract the viewer. Therefore, paying attention to the background during shooting can give you more material choices. Avoid distracting the viewer from the main content of the video. However, if the shooting location cannot be controlled, you can use post-production techniques to replace or blur the background.

4.改變拍攝角度Vary the camera angle 

Different angles can offer diverse visual effects, enhancing viewer engagement and creating various atmospheres. For instance, a bird's-eye view can evoke a sense of dominance, while a low-angle shot can make the subject appear grand and imposing. Additionally, effective composition can make the image more aesthetically pleasing and visually striking.

5.善用訪問Make good use of interviews 

It can make videos more lively and engaging, and help viewers gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. When designing interview questions, it's advisable to ask more open-ended questions to encourage interviewees to share richer content. 

6.可以的話利用多部攝影機 If possible, use multiple cameras. 

With multiple cameras, we can capture from various angles. By keeping each shot to a maximum of 5 seconds, we can create smoother transitions between shots. For instance, we can simultaneously film a subject from both close-up and far-away perspectives, and then switch between these shots during editing. After all, watching a video shot from a fixed angle for an extended period is like watching a security camera; it quickly becomes monotonous.

7.寫腳本Write a script

設立拍攝目的及找到拍攝的重點 有拍攝目的,比較能在拍攝當下,知道自己的拍攝重點及如何拍攝,還可以設計一些情節或畫面,讓影片更具故事性。
Having a clear shooting purpose helps you focus on the key points and shooting techniques during the process. It also allows you to design specific scenes or plots to make your video more narrative.

8.被拍攝者的狀態The subject's appearance or posture 

The subject's state is very important. A relaxed and confident person is more likely to produce captivating images.

9.每個畫面都要有故事Every frame should tell a story. 

When shooting, I always think about how to make the visuals tell a story, ensuring that every element has a purpose and that the relationships between them are logical. 

10.盡量保持神祕感Keep them guessing. 

It's not easy to create a sense of mystery, but it's worth trying. It can pique the audience's curiosity and keep them watching. 

11.聲音的重要性The Importance of Sound

In addition to visuals, sound is also a crucial element in videos. To enhance sound quality, you can use additional recording equipment or apply post-production techniques to process the audio.

12.色彩校正Color correction 

Lighting is the foundation of photography, and different lighting conditions produce varying color tones. If you find that the color tones in your final product need adjusting, take the time to do so. This will enhance the overall quality of your image and create a specific atmosphere. For instance, warm tones can convey a cozy feeling, while cool tones can evoke a sense of calmness.

