


Tonsillectomy is more commonly performed in children. This is because children's immune systems are still developing, making their tonsils, as part of the immune system, more susceptible to bacterial or viral infections. This can lead to recurrent tonsillitis. Additionally, children have relatively larger tonsils and smaller pharyngeal spaces compared to adults. When inflamed, the tonsils can cause more severe problems such as breathing difficulties and sleep apnea.



Therefore, for children with recurrent tonsillitis that doesn't respond well to medication and significantly impacts their daily life and studies, tonsillectomy may be a better option. Furthermore, children have a stronger recovery ability and lower risk of postoperative complications compared to adults. To improve a child's quality of life and reduce the risk of complications, doctors may recommend tonsillectomy.


Postoperative Dietary Care


Juices like watermelon juice, tomato juice, lemon juice, and orange juice are acidic and can irritate the wound, causing pain and discomfort, and even potentially causing bleeding.


Pudding and ice cream are cold drinks that can alleviate throat soreness and are soft in texture, making them easy to swallow. They are suitable for post-operative patients.


Green tea and coffee contain caffeine, which has a diuretic effect and can lead to dehydration. Caffeine can also stimulate stomach acid secretion, increasing discomfort.


Therefore, the post-operative diet should consist of bland, cool, and soft foods such as pudding, ice cream, porridge, and noodles.

