「基礎醫學」恙蟲病scrub typhus

Insect metamorphosis can be categorized into complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
Chiggers, belonging to the Arachnida class, undergo incomplete metamorphosis. Only the larval stage of chiggers feeds on blood, while adults and nymphs obtain nutrients through other means.

Infected chiggers can transmit pathogens (rickettsia) to their hosts. Chiggers are the primary vectors of scrub typhus, a disease characterized by fever, headache, lymphadenopathy, and rash. Due to similarities with typhus, these diseases can be easily confused. If left untreated, scrub typhus can lead to severe complications and even death.

恙蟎不是我們常說的藏在被子裡的塵蟎。 雖然它們都屬於節肢動物門,但種類和習性差異很大:
Chiggers should not be confused with dust mites, which are commonly found in bedding. Although both belong to the phylum Arthropoda, they differ significantly in terms of species and habits:

Chiggers primarily inhabit grassy areas, forests, and other outdoor environments, while dust mites live indoors and feed on human skin flakes and hair.
Chiggers are vectors of scrub typhus, whereas dust mites are the primary cause of allergic reactions such as rhinitis and asthma.
While chiggers and dust mites have distinct morphological features, they are difficult to differentiate with the naked eye and require microscopic examination.

To prevent chigger bites, it is recommended to:
Wear long-sleeved clothing and long pants to minimize exposed skin.
Use insect repellents containing DEET.
Avoid prolonged exposure to grassy areas, especially during the spring and summer months.
Shower and change clothes immediately after returning indoors to remove any attached chiggers.

