
疥瘡是由疥蟲引起的皮膚病,感染病人的伴侶及親近者須同時接受治療,接觸這類病人時應戴手套及穿戴隔離衣,病人衣物需使用 60度以上熱水消毒 10 分鐘或烘乾機烘烤至少 5 分鐘,且使用過的家具、物品洗清後須密封靜置 2 星期。
Scabies is a contagious skin condition caused by mites. All close contacts of infected individuals, including partners, should be treated simultaneously. Healthcare providers should wear gloves and isolation gowns when examining patients. Contaminated clothing should be washed in hot water at least 60°C for 10 minutes or dried in a dryer on high heat for at least 5 minutes. Used furniture and items should be cleaned and sealed for at least two weeks.

