「精神科與社區衛生護理學」恐慌症panic disorder

Dangerous Situations and Management During Panic Attacks

During a panic attack, patients experience intense fear and physical discomfort, such as palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Although panic attacks themselves are not directly life-threatening, patients may engage in the following dangerous behaviors:

自我傷害行為: 患者可能因恐懼失控而做出傷害自己的行為。
Self-harm: Patients may harm themselves due to fear of losing control.
逃跑行為: 患者可能因恐慌而逃離現場,導致意外發生。
Escape behavior: Patients may flee the scene due to panic, leading to accidents.
拒絕就醫: 患者可能因對醫療的恐懼而拒絕就醫,延誤病情。
Refusal of medical treatment: Patients may refuse medical treatment due to fear of medical procedures, delaying necessary care.
Therefore, when a panic attack occurs, the priority should be patient safety. Management includes:

安撫患者: 用溫和的語氣安撫患者,讓他們感到安全。
Calming the patient: Use a gentle tone to reassure the patient and make them feel safe.
協助患者放鬆: 引導患者進行深呼吸、肌肉放鬆等技巧。
Assisting the patient with relaxation: Guide the patient in deep breathing and muscle relaxation techniques.
提供安全環境: 將患者移至安全的地方,避免他們受到刺激。
Providing a safe environment: Move the patient to a safe place and avoid stimulating them.
尋求專業協助: 及時聯繫醫師或心理師,提供專業的評估和治療。
Seeking professional help: Contact a doctor or psychologist promptly for professional evaluation and treatment.
Panic Disorder vs. Organic Factors
Panic disorder is not an acute confusional state caused by organic factors.

Although patients with panic attacks may experience symptoms similar to heart disease, such as palpitations and chest tightness, detailed physical examinations usually do not reveal any organic lesions. Panic disorder is a mental illness primarily caused by psychological factors such as excessive anxiety and stress.

Medication for Panic Disorder

The primary medications for panic disorder are anxiolytics and antidepressants, not mood stabilizers like lithium.

抗焦慮藥: 可以快速緩解恐慌發作時的焦慮症狀。
Anxiolytics: Can quickly alleviate anxiety symptoms during panic attacks.
抗憂鬱藥: 可以改善長期存在的焦慮和抑鬱情緒。
Antidepressants: Can improve long-standing anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Lithium is primarily used to treat bipolar disorder and is not effective for panic disorder.

除了藥物治療,心理治療也是治療恐慌症的重要一環。 認知行為治療(CBT)是目前治療恐慌症最有效的心理治療方法之一。透過認知行為治療,患者可以學習到識別和改變不合理的負面想法,掌握應對恐慌發作的技巧。
In addition to medication, psychotherapy is also an important component of panic disorder treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective psychological treatments for panic disorder. Through CBT, patients can learn to identify and change irrational negative thoughts and develop coping skills for panic attacks.


Panic disorder is a common mental illness characterized by extreme fear and physical discomfort during attacks. Combined medication and psychotherapy are the most common treatment approaches. Patients should actively cooperate with treatment and learn self-management skills to improve their quality of life.

