「產兒科護理」幼兒動作發展項目Motor development milestones for young children


可獨自行走: 這通常是1歲左右的幼兒就能達到的發展里程碑。不過,每個孩子的發展速度略有不同,有些孩子可能在1歲前就會走路,有些則可能晚一些。
Toddlers around 1 year old:
Can walk independently: This is a typical developmental milestone for toddlers around 1 year old. However, every child develops at a slightly different pace. Some children may start walking before their first birthday, while others may take a bit longer.


能踏動三輪車: 這通常是2歲左右的幼兒能夠完成的動作。這個階段的幼兒,大肌肉發展更成熟,能夠協調雙腳的力量,並控制身體的平衡,因此可以踏動三輪車。
Toddlers around 2 years old:
Can pedal a tricycle: This is a skill that most toddlers can master around the age of 2. At this stage, toddlers have more developed large muscles, allowing them to coordinate the strength of both legs and control their balance, making it possible to pedal a tricycle.

2 歲幼童因為住院而出現分離焦慮,為了協助宣洩負向情緒,可引導幼童以木槌敲紙箱來進行治療性遊戲,敲擊的動作能幫助他們將內心的焦慮轉化為物理能量,達到情緒釋放的效果,且孩子揮動木槌敲擊紙箱時,需要運用到手臂、肩膀、軀幹等多個大肌肉群,也是一種大肌肉群的運動。
A 2-year-old toddler who is hospitalized may experience separation anxiety. To help them express their negative emotions, therapeutic play involving striking a cardboard box with a mallet can be introduced. The act of striking allows children to transform their inner anxiety into physical energy, thus providing emotional release. Additionally, swinging a mallet to strike a cardboard box engages multiple large muscle groups such as the arms, shoulders, and trunk, serving as a form of large muscle exercise.

The use of puppets for dramatic play or playing house is not as suitable because 2-year-olds have limited language expression. Moreover, considering the child's existing separation anxiety due to hospitalization, they might develop a negative association with medical tools like stethoscopes and may lose interest.


可單腳跳躍: 單腳跳躍需要更精細的平衡感和協調性,通常是3歲左右的幼兒才能做到。
Toddlers around 3 years old:
Can hop on one foot: Hopping on one foot requires greater balance and coordination, which is usually achieved by children around the age of 3.


會堆疊九塊積木: 堆疊積木考驗的是手眼協調能力和精細動作。一般來說,3歲左右的幼兒可以堆疊5-7塊積木,而堆疊9塊積木則需要更精細的控制能力,通常是4歲左右的幼兒才能達到。
Toddlers around 4 years old:
Can stack nine blocks: Stacking blocks tests hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Generally, toddlers around 3 years old can stack 5-7 blocks, while stacking 9 blocks requires more precise control, typically achieved by children around the age of 4.

