「內外科護理學」美尼爾氏症(Meniere’s disease)

Ménière's disease is an inner ear disorder characterized by sudden episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. These symptoms typically last from minutes to hours, with variable intervals between attacks.


The causes of Ménière's disease

While the exact cause remains unclear, it is generally believed to be associated with abnormal endolymphatic circulation. Endolymph is a fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. When there is excessive production, impaired absorption, or obstruction of the endolymph, it can lead to increased endolymphatic pressure, stimulating the sensory cells of the inner ear and causing symptoms such as vertigo and tinnitus.


Symptoms of Ménière's disease

眩暈: 這是最常見且最令人困擾的症狀,患者會感到天旋地轉,好像周圍的一切都在旋轉,眩暈急性發作應立即臥床休息
Vertigo: This is the most common and troublesome symptom, causing patients to feel as if they or their surroundings are spinning. In case of an acute attack, immediate bed rest is recommended.
耳鳴: 耳內會出現持續性的嗡嗡聲、鈴聲或其他噪音。
Tinnitus: A persistent ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears.
聽力減退: 通常是低頻聽力減退,聽力會忽好忽壞。
Hearing loss: Typically characterized by low-frequency hearing loss, with fluctuating hearing ability.
耳悶: 患者會感到耳朵有滿脹感。
Ear fullness: Patients will experience a feeling of fullness in the ears.

Treatment of Ménière's disease

藥物治療: 包括利尿劑、血管擴張劑、抗暈眩藥等。
Medication: This includes diuretics, vasodilators, and anti-vertigo drugs.
低鹽飲食: 減少鈉的攝入可以降低內淋巴液的壓力。
Low-sodium diet: Reducing sodium intake can lower endolymphatic fluid pressure.
聽力復健: 改善聽力,提高生活品質。
Auditory rehabilitation: Improves hearing and enhances quality of life.
內耳注射藥物: 在某些情況下,醫生可能會考慮將藥物直接注射到內耳。
Intracochlear drug delivery: In certain cases, doctors may consider injecting medication directly into the inner ear.
手術治療: 當藥物治療效果不佳時,可以考慮手術治療,如迷路切除術或選擇性迷路切除術。
Surgical treatment: If medical management is ineffective, surgical options such as labyrinthectomy or selective labyrinthectomy may be considered.

美尼爾氏症的生活調適Lifestyle adjustments for Ménière's disease:

Maintain a regular routine and emotional balance.
避免菸酒: 菸酒會加重病情。
Avoid smoking and alcohol: These can worsen symptoms.
避免突然改變體位: 避免快速站起或躺下。
Avoid sudden changes in position: Avoid standing up or lying down too quickly.
Maintain adequate hydration, but avoid excessive fluid intake.


美尼爾氏症是一種內耳疾病,其主要原因是內淋巴液過多,導致內耳壓力增加,進而影響聽力及平衡功能。而良性陣發性姿勢性眩暈(BPPV)則是內耳前庭器官中的耳石脫落,進入半規管所引起的。若為BPPV可使用耳石復位術(epley maneuver)經由改變頭部動作的方向,可以緩解良性陣發性姿勢暈眩(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo),此動作主要是恢復橢圓束(utricle)與圓囊(saccule)的功能。

Meniere's disease is an inner ear disorder characterized by excessive endolymphatic fluid pressure, leading to hearing loss and balance disturbances. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), on the other hand, is caused by dislodged ear stones (otoconia) in the semicircular canals of the inner ear. BPPV can be treated with the Epley maneuver, a series of head movements designed to reposition the otoconia and restore the function of the utricle and saccule.

