「精神科與社區衛生護理學」躁症患者(manic episode)

傳統上,躁症患者(manic episode)的病房環境確實會考慮到簡化的原則,以減少環境刺激,降低患者的躁動程度。然而每位躁症患者的症狀表現、耐受程度和喜好都不同。有些患者可能在簡化的環境中感到更安靜,但有些患者則可能感到無聊和壓抑,反而加重躁動。
Traditionally, the ward environment for patients experiencing manic episodes has been designed with simplicity in mind to reduce environmental stimulation and minimize agitation. However, the symptoms, tolerance levels, and preferences of each manic patient vary. While some patients may feel calmer in a simplified environment, others may feel bored and suppressed, which can exacerbate agitation.

Given that manic patients may exhibit impulsive, aggressive, or self-harm behaviors, furniture placement should prioritize safety to prevent falls or injuries. Furthermore, ward furniture and equipment should be durable and resistant to damage to minimize destruction caused by patients.

Although overly stimulating environments should be avoided, it is still possible to create a comfortable atmosphere through means such as soft lighting, warm colors, and greenery to promote relaxation.

Agitation is a common symptom among manic patients. Providing activities and facilities that can consume physical energy, such as exercise equipment and walking areas, can help patients expend excess energy and alleviate agitation.
Manic patients often have excessive energy expenditure and require adequate caloric intake. High-calorie, easy-to-eat foods can meet the patient's nutritional needs while also being convenient for self-serving.

Encouraging patients to participate in group activities and interact with other patients can help them build a social support network and improve their mood.

If a patient experiencing a manic episode engages in overly close interactions with someone of the opposite sex, it is crucial to closely monitor the extent of this interaction and assess the potential for more dangerous or harmful behaviors, allowing for timely intervention. Separating the two individuals is a temporary but necessary measure that can mitigate risks, but excessive restrictions on the patient's freedom should be avoided.

Encouraging the patient to learn appropriate interactions with the opposite sex is a long-term therapeutic goal. This can help the patient rebuild social functioning in the future and reduce the recurrence of similar incidents. However, when providing guidance, it is important to be mindful of the patient's emotional reactions and avoid excessive interference, as this could exacerbate their agitation.

In summary, when addressing the issue of interpersonal interactions with the opposite sex in manic patients, it is essential to balance the patient's safety, rights, and recovery needs. A personalized care plan should be developed based on the individual patient's characteristics that aligns with the therapeutic goals.

