
「骨盆膈」和「泌尿生殖膈」都是會陰部重要的解剖結構,但尿道外括約肌(external urethral sphincter)確實位於泌尿生殖膈(urogenital diaphragm)上,而非骨盆膈。
The pelvic diaphragm and urogenital diaphragm are both important anatomical structures of the perineum. However, the external urethral sphincter is situated within the urogenital diaphragm, not the pelvic diaphragm.

骨盆膈(pelvic diaphragm)主要由提肛肌群組成,形狀像一個漏斗,支撐著盆腔內的器官,功能是支撐盆腔器官,維持大便和尿液的 continence(自主控制),其解剖位置比泌尿生殖膈更深層。
The pelvic diaphragm, primarily composed of the levator ani muscles, forms a funnel-shaped structure that supports the pelvic organs. Its primary functions include supporting pelvic organs and maintaining continence of both stool and urine. Anatomically, it lies deeper than the urogenital diaphragm.

尿道外括約肌(external urethral sphincter)是一圈環繞著尿道的肌肉,主要功能是控制尿液的排出。
The external urethral sphincter is a circular muscle surrounding the urethra. Its primary function is to control the flow of urine. When we need to urinate, this muscle relaxes to allow urine to pass. When we need to hold our urine, this muscle contracts to prevent urine leakage.

If the external urethral sphincter is overly tight or spastic, catheterization can be difficult and may even cause pain.

尿路感染需協助收集尿液常規與細菌培養,以確認病因(尿液細菌培養若每毫升含有 105個以上菌落,可確認是泌尿道感染)、菌種與用藥方向,因而需要進行導尿來進行尿液收集,且體溫不是判斷感染的唯一指標,老年人免疫系統較弱,即使感染了,也可能沒有明顯發燒的症狀。可能須合併評估是否有排尿燒灼感、疼痛、膿尿、血尿等。

Precautions for Urinary Catheters:
1. 塑膠材質的導尿管一般建議留置時間為7天,最長不超過14天,塑膠導尿管長期留置會增加尿路感染的風險。
The recommended dwell time for plastic catheters is generally 7 days, with a maximum of 14 days. Prolonged use of plastic catheters increases the risk of urinary tract infections.
2. 泌尿道手術後的病人,尿道可能會出現水腫或出血,因此需要使用18 Fr.以上的導尿管來引流尿液,防止尿路阻塞。
Post-urinary tract surgery patients: Due to potential swelling or bleeding in the urethra, patients who have undergone urinary tract surgery require catheters with a size of 18 Fr. or larger to drain urine and prevent urinary tract obstruction.
3. 當病人需要進行膀胱灌洗時應選擇三路導尿管。
For patients requiring bladder irrigation, a three-way catheter should be used. This type of catheter has an additional channel that allows for bladder flushing to remove debris, blood clots, or other foreign objects.
4. 小孩大多選擇使用8~10 Fr.導尿管
For children, catheters with a size of 8-10 Fr. are typically used due to their smaller urethral size.


