


The restaurant's large parking space and distinctive view were the reasons why our tour bus itinerary brought us here for dinner.

Even before stepping inside the restaurant, we were attracted by the nostalgic-looking decorations. We took out our cameras to record them. The children were also attracted by the coin-operated music car and took a ride. Even though we had been on a tour bus all day, we were still in high spirits.
 The retro cinema, with its many vintage movie posters, shows that the owner really put a lot of thought into creating a retro atmosphere.
The restaurant's lighting is also unique. This one looks like it was specially made from a bamboo hat.
還有許多少數民族的精緻服裝娃娃,雖然我也不曉得是哪一些少數民族,不過這感覺也很少見。 In addition, there are many exquisitely dressed dolls representing ethnic minorities. I don't know which ethnic minorities they are, but they seem to be rare.
The food here is also distinctive, with unique cooking methods. The taste is also not bad.
This organ looks very old, so it may be damaged by rats. That's why there is a mousetrap under it.
Don't forget to check out the restaurant's interior after your meal. There are some vintage toys for sale, and you can also try your luck at the pinball machine and fortune ice cream.

這一間飯廳的電影海報就比較是最近曾上映過的電影。 The movie posters in this restaurant are mostly for recent films that have been released.

There is also a super antique TV. It looks like it might be an old black-and-white TV.

