「金門-金城」燕南書院(Yannan Academy)


The Taiwen Yan Temple within Yan Nan Study is one of the five famous temples in Kinmen and was also the place where the Song Dynasty scholar Zhu Xi taught in Kinmen. Therefore, it is the earliest center of education and culture in Kinmen and played a significant role in nurturing scholars who passed the imperial examinations during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 


 In the late Ming Dynasty, this place was transformed into the Taiwen Yan Temple. The main deity worshiped here is the Black-Faced Clearwater Ancestral Deity in the main hall. The rear hall is dedicated to deities related to learning, such as Wenchang Emperor and Zhu Xi, the Star of Literature. The side halls serve as spaces for art and cultural exhibitions and activities, where visitors can appreciate calligraphy and literature. To reach Yan Nan Study, visitors need to climb a small hill, which offers an elevated vantage point for overlooking Kinmen City and the Kinmen Bridge. 

Visitor Information: 
Managed by: 
Kinmen County Cultural Affairs Bureau 

電話/Phone +886-82-328638 

地址 金門縣金城鎮古區268號 
 Address: No. 268, Guqu, Jincheng Township, Kinmen County 

開放時間 每日08:00-17:00 門票資訊 免費 
Opening Hours: Daily from 08:00 to 17:00 Admission: Free

