
經過了幾次這間涼麵店,總算買來嘗試看看了,菜單大部分是辣的種類,唯一不辣的是日式胡麻涼麵。 嘗試後發現還蠻清爽美味的呢。
 I passed by this cold noodle shop a few times, and finally decided to try it out. Most of the menu is spicy, and the only non-spicy dish is the Japanese-style sesame cold noodles. 

After trying it out, I found it quite refreshing and delicious.
 Whenever I passed by this cold noodle shop before without intending to buy dinner, I would always find it closed when I wanted to buy something. This time, I took a picture of their business hours.

Q彈的手工麵,胡麻 醬的 香氣, 小黃瓜和紅蘿蔔的清爽,晚餐吃起來超級爽口。 
The handmade noodles are chewy, the sesame sauce is fragrant, and the refreshing taste of cucumber and carrot make it a very refreshing dinner dish.



Cold noodles may have originated in China and later spread to Korea and Japan. In China, cold noodles are called "liangfen," which are made of mung bean flour or buckwheat flour and are served with various toppings. In Korea, cold noodles are called "naengmyeon," which first appeared during the Goryeo dynasty. In Japan, cold noodles are called "somen" or "zarusoba," which are usually made of wheat flour and served with a refreshing soup, vegetables, and meat.

Cold noodles are a popular summer food because they provide a cool and refreshing sensation while also being delicious.

麥角生物鹼(ergot alkaloids) 

Ergot alkaloids are toxins produced by fungi of the genus Claviceps, which can infect grains such as rye, wheat, and barley. If these grains are harvested with ergot present, foods made from them, including cold noodles, may be contaminated with ergot alkaloids. Consumption of these contaminated foods by humans or animals can lead to health problems such as migraines.

