「音樂-鋼琴」華麗なるピアニスト ステージを彩る豪華アレンジ ディズニー名曲集

This time, a Yamaha-published Disney piano collection includes all of the classic Disney songs. It is challenging, but practicing it can also improve some piano skills. The music also uses modulation techniques to make the pieces sound more rich and wonderful.

If you see an X next to a note in a musical score, it means to raise the note by two semitones.

A wavy line above a note indicates an upper mordent, which means that the note is played and then immediately followed by the note above it.



A Whole New World(ホール ニュー ワールド)



악곡 중에 2마디 오른손처럼 한 손으로 메인 멜로디와 내성부를 연주하는 구간이 많이 나옵니다. 메인 멜로디가 명확하게 부각되도록 하세요.


從 2 小節開始,左手上聲的旋律也要好好感受。整體演奏要像歌唱一樣,要充滿情感。
2마디 이후 왼손 상성부의 선율도 꼼꼼히 느껴보세요. 전체적으로 노래하듯 풍부한 감정을 담아 연주하세요.

Beauty and the Beast

Music by Alan Mencken. Words by Howard Ashman. 

美女與野獸電影,除了收錄了主題曲Beauty and the Beast 還有Be Our Guest. 
The Beauty and the Beast movie features the songs "Beauty and the Beast" and "Be Our Guest".

Beauty and the Beast這首歌的編曲以和弦為主
The song is arranged with chords as the main focus.
When playing, avoid letting the thick chords drown out the melody.

美女與野獸的速度記號為Medium Slow(中慢),每分鐘的節拍數為 92 拍( ♩=92),這是一首抒情優美的樂曲。 
The Beauty and the Beast song is in Medium Slow (中慢) tempo, with a tempo of 92 beats per minute (♩=92). It is a lyrical and beautiful piece of music.

另一首Be Our Guest的開頭,是一串音階左右手彈奏同一個音,這個部分需要流暢的練習彈奏的指法,歌曲的意境是主要是歡迎客人,演奏者可以使用誇張的表現方式,並注意伴奏應該要輕鬆地彈奏,輕輕移動來演奏伴奏的部分;歌曲的中間部分,介紹了晚餐的菜餚,可以使用輕快的節奏演奏;歌曲的副歌部分,表達了晚餐的美味,用節奏感強的演奏方式或熱情的演奏方式來表達;歌曲的結尾,表達了晚餐的愉快。提示建議演奏者用充滿活力的演奏方式來表達。
The beginning of another song, "Be Our Guest", is a scale with both hands playing the same note. This part requires practicing fingerings fluently. The song's atmosphere is mainly about welcoming guests. The performer can use exaggerated expressions, and pay attention to the accompaniment should be played lightly, moving lightly to play the accompaniment part. The middle part of the song introduces the dishes for dinner, which can be played with a light rhythm. The chorus of the song expresses the deliciousness of the dinner, which can be expressed in a rhythmic or passionate way. The ending of the song expresses the joy of the dinner. The prompt suggests that the performer should express it in a lively way.

While playing this song, I also found the following score. This part requires the melody to be played three times, for a total of six notes.

2.sf是 突強(sforzando),表示該音符要用力演奏。 
4.leggiero 是 輕音記號(lightly),表示該音符要輕鬆演奏。

神鬼奇航He's a Pirate



It's a Small World
為 1964 年紐約世界博覽會的遊樂設施創作的。耳熟能詳的旋律,實現了華特·迪士尼「讓每個國家的人都能用自己的語言歌唱」的要求。這首歌的給我的印象,就是可怕且多的升降記號,開頭即以四個降開始,中途也常常突然轉換調性或有突然的還原記號,沒有注意的話會彈錯升降,所以不記得的話還是在樂譜上標註會比較容易彈奏。
Composed for a ride at the 1964 New York World's Fair. The familiar melody fulfills Walt Disney's request to "let people from every country sing it in their own language." My impression of this song is that it has a lot of scary sharps and flats. It starts with four flats and often suddenly changes key or has accidental sharps. If you don't pay attention, you'll play the wrong sharps or flats, so it's easier to play if you mark them on the music score.


灰姑娘中的插曲,A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes,這首歌其實升降記號較為固定,但必須熟悉所彈奏的調性和節奏,才能完美詮釋這首樂曲。

睡美人Once Upon a Dream

The song's intro is in free tempo, while section A onwards is in waltz tempo. The waltz is a rhythm with an accent on the first beat. When playing, you can incorporate some "swaying" feeling.

B 段到 D 段的右手,有大量琶音的編曲,旋律彈奏時要清楚。
The right hand in sections B to D has a lot of arpeggio arrangements. When playing the melody, make sure it is clear.

E 段開始轉調為降 B 大調,最後一小節再次以流行音樂風格輕柔地結束。
Section E starts in the key of B♭ major and ends softly in a pop music style in the last measure.

小熊維尼(くまのプーさん)-Winnie the Pooh

The first section is a waltz, and the pedal can be used to create a fairy-tale atmosphere. The following swing rhythm can express a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Section C is a free rhythm, and the last part is to pay attention to the syncopated rhythm.


節拍:每分鐘 132 拍

 P.56最後一行開始的A 段到 B 段為主題,當塔卡塔卡的節奏開始時,要表現出「很忙」的感覺。

The Bells of Notre Dame

The opening section of the piece is characterized by a heavy, somber mood, reminiscent of a melancholic waltz. It paints a vivid picture of Quasimodo's tragic childhood, alternating between fairytale-like elements and more grotesque portrayals.

When performing this section, take care to maintain a consistent tempo for the eighth notes, ensuring that each note receives equal attention. Avoid allowing the overall performance to become monotonous

Can You Feel the Love Tonight


"Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is one of my favorite songs from The Lion King. The song features many octaves in the right hand, which should be played clearly. In the first half of the D section, the left hand carries the melody while the right hand provides accompaniment. Pay attention to the dynamics throughout the piece.

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight"는 제가 가장 좋아하는 라이온 킹 OST 중 하나입니다. 이 노래는 오른손에 많은 옥타브가 등장하며, 명확하게 연주해야 합니다. D단 전반부에는 왼손이 멜로디를 담당하고 오른손은 반주를 담당합니다. 연주하면서 강약에도 주의해야 합니다.


サークル・オブ・ライフ (Circle of Life)

This song is also a classic from the Lion King animated film.
이 노래는 라이온 킹 애니메이션 영화에서도 매우 유명한 노래입니다.

Title: サークル・オブ・ライフ (Circle of Life)
Music by: エルトン・ジョン (Elton John)
Words by: ティム・ライス (Tim Rice)

Use the pedal for the prelude, but be aware of the clear tone. The use of the pedal in section A can add depth to the tone. Gradually build up the excitement in section B. There are many bass parts, so make sure you are playing the correct notes.
전주에는 페달을 사용하지만 음색이 흐릿하지 않도록 주의하세요. A단에서는 페달을 사용하여 음색에 깊이를 더할 수 있습니다. B단에서는 점점 분위기를盛り上げて 연주하세요. 저음은 많으니 연주하는 음이 맞는지 확인하세요.

