Ulduar, a raid dungeon in World of Warcraft, was released from April to June 2009 and marked the first raid instance in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Back then, Ulduar was a popular raid destination for both 10-player and 25-player groups, with numerous teams tackling the instance daily."
The Ulduar raid features a total of 14 bosses across Normal and Heroic difficulties, with an additional three bosses exclusive to Hard mode.
有掌爐(Hodir (The Forgemaster))、鋒鱗(Razorscale)、貓女(Freya)、烈焰巨獸(Flame Leviathan)、XT-002拆解者(XT-002 Deconstructor)、鐵之議會(The Iron Council)、柯洛剛恩(Kologarn)、奧芮雅(Auriaya)、彌米倫(Mimiron)、芙蕾雅(Freya)、索林姆(Thorim)、威札斯將軍(General Vezax)、觀察者艾爾加隆(Watcher Algalon)、尤格薩倫(Yogg-Saron)。
The three additional bosses introduced in Ulduar's hard mode are Thorim, Freya, and Mimiron.
Even the mobs in Ulduar have high attack power and high defense. You need to carefully observe the movements of the mobs and avoid them in time, use control skills, and concentrate firepower to kill them with a tacit understanding.
During the initial exploration of the team, the entire team also failed, and the cost of repairing the equipment was also considerable.
During the initial exploration of the team, the entire team also failed, and the total amount of money spent on repairing equipment was also considerable. I remember spending 1000 gold coins on repair fees at that time.
I got a pretty cool staff as a drop from Freya, back when I was a Druid. It was a shame that the 25-man Freya raid hit pretty hard, even with such a nice-looking weapon.
This image perfectly encapsulates the struggles we faced within the Ulduar raid. The moment our tank fell, my heart sank. Yet, it's these challenges that truly deepen our appreciation for the game. With such a rich history, Ulduar undoubtedly holds countless secrets waiting to be uncovered. I can't wait to delve deeper into this world.
Ulduar, a meticulously crafted titan prison, is shrouded in mystery. Let's unravel these enigmas together.
奧杜亞的簡介/The Prologue of Ulduar
奧杜亞不是泰坦的藏寶庫,也不是造物主輝煌壯闊的居所,而是一座巨大的監獄,囚禁著連泰坦都無法毀滅的邪惡表彰死亡的上古之神,千喉之獸,尤格薩倫(Yogg-Saron),這些都是進入奧杜亞後,一位大探險家布萊恩‧銅鬚告訴我們的。 在洛肯的大力協助下,尤格薩倫已經慢慢的解除萬年前創世之戰泰坦的禁錮,而過去泰坦所留下的六大守護者(監獄的看守者),在如今也成為了奧杜亞的變數。智慧神殿的最高守護者洛肯最先叛變,秩序神殿的提爾也因不明原因而失蹤,生命神殿的芙蕾雅,發明神殿的彌米爾,以及凜冬神殿的霍迪爾也都先後被洛肯以及他背後的邪惡勢力所俘虜。甚至風暴神殿的索林姆也在玩家的眼前被抓進了奧杜亞。 雖然後來詭詐的洛肯在勇者的奮戰下死在雷光大廳 不過至此泰坦所佈下的防禦網早已蕩然無存, 尤格薩倫的復活可說是指日可待 另一方面,洛肯之死也意外地引來了更嚴重的問題‧‧‧‧ 也許是透過當初留存的監測警告系統 最高守護者洛肯死亡之後, 泰坦的僕人觀察者阿加隆(Algalon)啟動了通訊裝置 嘗試著通報萬神殿關於尤格薩倫的失控與艾澤拉斯的腐化
Ulduar, far from being a titan's treasury or a grand abode of creation, is a colossal prison designed to contain an evil so profound that even the titans could not eradicate: Yogg-Saron, the Old God of Death. As the intrepid explorer Brann Bronzebeard revealed upon our arrival, Yogg-Saron, with the aid of the traitorous guardian Loken, had been slowly undoing the titan's ancient imprisonment.
One by one, the titans' six guardians fell victim to Loken's treachery and the corrupting influence of the Old God. From the high-ranking Loken of the Vault of the Guardians to the enigmatic Tyr of the Vault of Order, and the other guardians Freya, Mimiron, Hodin, and Thorim, all were either corrupted or imprisoned.
Even as the cunning Loken met his demise in the Storm Peak, the titan's defenses had been breached. Yogg-Saron's resurgence loomed large. Yet, a new threat emerged from the depths: Algalon the Observer, a titan construct, activated a communication device upon sensing Loken's demise, seeking to alert the Pantheon to Azeroth's corruption and Yogg-Saron's impending awakening.
Brian judged that if the Titans were to receive this report, the world would be subjected to a cataclysmic purge, leaving no creature untouched. Given the already complex and volatile state of the world, he couldn't idly stand by. Exercising his sound judgment, Brian resolved to prevent Algalon from contacting the Pantheon.
不過目前阿加隆把自己鎖在奧杜亞的天文室中 必須擊敗被迷惑的四位守護者, 取得四片符印才能打開天文室的大門 這也是後來冒險者和索林姆眾人交戰的原由 附帶一提的是,唯有在成就模式下打敗守護者才能取得開門的符印 比方說要取得被死去妻子西芙幻象所控制的索林姆之符印 就必須在不先殺死幻象的條件下用正義的鐵拳讓風暴之王自己覺醒過來,其他像六神合體的彌米爾,冬天爺爺霍迪爾也都存在各自的成就系統。
不過目前阿加隆把自己鎖在奧杜亞的天文室中 必須擊敗被迷惑的四位守護者, 取得四片符印才能打開天文室的大門 這也是後來冒險者和索林姆眾人交戰的原由 附帶一提的是,唯有在成就模式下打敗守護者才能取得開門的符印 比方說要取得被死去妻子西芙幻象所控制的索林姆之符印 就必須在不先殺死幻象的條件下用正義的鐵拳讓風暴之王自己覺醒過來,其他像六神合體的彌米爾,冬天爺爺霍迪爾也都存在各自的成就系統。
However, Algalon has locked himself in the astronomical observatory of Ulduar. To open the door, adventurers must defeat the four corrupted guardians and obtain their sigils. This is why the adventurers and Thorim's forces clashed. It's worth noting that to acquire these sigils, players must complete specific achievements by defeating the guardians under particular conditions. For instance, to obtain Thorim's sigil, players must awaken the Storm King from his wife Sif's illusion without killing the illusion. Similarly, Mimiron and Hodur also have their respective achievement requirements.
Why is Hodur considered the 'Winter Grandfather'?
Hodur, the winter deity of Ulduar, embodies not only the chill of frost and the beauty of snow, but also the tranquility of hibernation. Under his dominion, creatures great and small – from bears to bats, from groundhogs to snakes – slumber peacefully, awaiting the renewal of spring. Yet, with the rise of the observer Algalon, this serene winter slumber is threatened. Defeating Algalon is not merely about upholding order in Ulduar; it's about safeguarding the sanctity of winter and ensuring the timely awakening of all living things.
Algalon, though a loyal servant of the Titans, is dedicated to thwarting Yogg-Saron's plans. However, his actions could potentially lead to the destruction of Azeroth. From the perspective of Azeroth's inhabitants, Algalon's actions are cruel. If the Pantheon were to intervene, all of Azeroth could face a catastrophic reshaping. As a wise explorer, Brann Bronzebeard realized the severe consequences of Algalon's actions and chose to stop him.
Defeating Observer Algalon is probably going to be one of the hardest achievements in Ulduar.
After defeating Algalon, we believed the crisis was over. However, the Starseer's dying words revealed a deeper truth: the Titans were not the benevolent creators we had always assumed, but cold, calculating enforcers. Their definition of perfection for Azeroth was a sterile, emotionless order.
Algalon's analysis showed that Azeroth was so irreparably damaged that, in the Titans' eyes, it needed to be reshaped or even destroyed. Fortunately, our determination seemed to move Algalon, and he temporarily delayed sending a report to the Pantheon.
Yet, our victory was far from assured. Yogg-Saron, the Old God imprisoned deep within Ulduar, still posed a grave threat to Azeroth
當我們深入尤格-薩倫的腦室(Yogg-saron Brain's Room)時,這個千喉之獸展現了它無與倫比的邪惡力量。它用千變萬化的聲音蠱惑我們的意志,試圖將我們拉入瘋狂的深淵。更可怕的是,它還能操縱時間,讓我們重溫艾澤拉斯歷史上最黑暗的時刻。
As we delved into Yogg-Saron's Brain Room, the thousand-faced god unleashed his immense power. With countless voices, he twisted our minds, driving us to the brink of madness. He could also manipulate time, forcing us to relive some of Azeroth's darkest moments.
We witnessed Garona's tragic assassination of King Llane, the corruption of the great dragon Nefarian, and the epic struggle between the Lich King and Arthas. These harrowing memories tested our resolve and threatened to break our spirits.
Despite countless trials, we emerged victorious over Yogg-Saron. But our triumph did not guarantee Azeroth's future. The shadow of the Titans still loomed over our world, and the Old Gods remained a persistent threat.
Our adventure was far from over. The fate of Azeroth rested in our hands. We must continue to explore this world's mysteries and protect the home we love.