「音樂-鋼琴」德布西鋼琴曲集Debussy Piano Music


Claude Debussy, born in France in 1862, was the pioneering founder of Impressionism in music. His piano teacher was Madame Marie-Laure de Villers, a student of Chopin and the mother-in-law of poet Paul Verlaine. Debussy's works are characterized by the use of pentatonic scales, whole-tone scales, parallel chords, and intervals from Eastern music. 

 這本書第一首為《小努瓦爾》(Le Petit Noir)是一首鋼琴小品,收錄於其《前奏曲集》第二集。這首曲子創作於1909年。《小努瓦爾》的曲調輕快活潑,充滿了非洲音樂的異國情調。曲子以明快的節奏開場,表現出小黑人的活潑好動。隨後,曲調逐漸變得柔和,表現出小黑人內心的溫柔善良。最後,曲子以明亮的音色結束,表現出小黑人對生活的熱愛。 

The first piece in this book is "Le Petit Noir", a piano piece by Claude Debussy. It was published in 1909 as part of his second set of preludes. "Le Petit Noir" is a lively and rhythmic piece with a strong African influence. It begins with a bright and energetic melody, reflecting the playful nature of a young black boy. The music then becomes softer and more lyrical, expressing the boy's inner kindness and gentleness. The piece ends with a bright and optimistic mood, reflecting the boy's love of life. 


Allegro giusto:中等快板,保持節奏準確。 

très rythmé:非常有節奏感。 


E dim.:漸弱,逐漸變弱。 


Cresc. Molto:漸強,逐漸變強。 

Un peu retenu:稍微放慢,但保持節奏準確。 

A Tempo:回到原來的速度。 

Doux et expressif:輕柔而富有表情。

除了上面描述的鋼琴曲集,德布西的作品我也接觸過這本小孩子的天地/第一號 第二號華麗曲)

In addition to the piano pieces I mentioned above, I have also played Debussy's Children's Corner, including the first and second arabesques.

1 ére Arabesque第一號華麗曲(第一號阿拉貝斯克),曲子速度為Andantino con moto比行板稍快一點,且帶有動感的感覺。這是一首四個升的的曲子,包含著許多三連音,以及雙手不對稱的節奏,當時彈奏真的覺得蠻棘手的,畢竟要相當注意雙手的協調性。曲子踏板的符號也比以往的樂譜來得多,踩下=「Ped.」鬆開=「✱」,在一個小節中可能就有多次這樣的踩放時間點,所以不光手很忙,腳也要注意! The first Arabesque (Arabesque No. 1), Andantino con moto, is a piece with a tempo that is slightly faster than andante, with a sense of movement. It is a piece with four sharps, many triplets, and asymmetric rhythms, which made it quite challenging to play at the time. After all, it requires a significant amount of coordination between the hands. The pedal markings in the piece are also more frequent than in previous sheet music, with "Ped." for down and "✱" for up. In a single measure, there may be multiple down and up times, so not only are the hands busy, but the feet also need to be mindful! 曲子中的相關註釋如下 The relevant notes in the piece are as follows: Rit=漸慢(gradually slower) Poco a poco cresc =漸強(gradually louder) Sempre cresc.=演奏力度一直增強(always louder)

